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单倍群Q-M242 (英語:Haplogroup Q-M242)是人类Y染色体DNA单倍群之一,主要分布于美洲和欧亚大陆。Q是单倍群P的一个分支(其他分支是单倍群R)。 它是蒙古人种的基因。
- Q-M242M242
- Q-P36.2 P36.2,L232,L273,L274(Q1)
- Q-MEH2 MEH2(Q1a)
- Q-F1096 F1096,F1215(Q1a1)
- Q-NWT01 NWT01(Q1a1a)
- Q-M120 M120、M265/N14(Q1a1a1)
- Q-M25 M25,M143(Q1a1b)
- Q-L712 L712(Q1a1b1)
- Q-NWT01 NWT01(Q1a1a)
- Q-M346 L56,L57,M346,L528(Q1a2)
- Q-L.53 L.53(Q1a2a)
- Q-L54 L54(Q1a2a1)
- Q-CTS11969 CTS11969,M930(Q1a2a1a)
- Q-M3 M3(Q1a2a1a1)
- Q-M19 M19(Q1a2a1a1a)
- Q-L804 L804(Q1a2a1a2)
- Q-M3 M3(Q1a2a1a1)
- Q-CTS1780 CTS1780、M981,M971,Z780(Q1a2a1b)
- Q-L330 L330(Q1a2a1c)
- Q-CTS11969 CTS11969,M930(Q1a2a1a)
- Q-L54 L54(Q1a2a1)
- Q-F835 F835,L940(Q1a2b)
- Q-F1161F1161
- Q-L527 L527
- Q-L.53 L.53(Q1a2a)
- Q-F1096 F1096,F1215(Q1a1)
- Q-L275 L275,L314(Q1b)
- Q-M378 M378/Page100, L214,L215/Page82(Q1b1)
- Q-FGC1774 FGC1774,Y2016(Q1b1a)
- Q-245 L245(Q1b1a1)
- Q-FGC1774 FGC1774,Y2016(Q1b1a)
- Q-Y1150 Y1150(Q1b2)(Q1b-L68)
- Q-M378 M378/Page100, L214,L215/Page82(Q1b1)
- Q-MEH2 MEH2(Q1a)
- Q-P36.2 P36.2,L232,L273,L274(Q1)
SC Apache:87%[3]
格陵兰:53.7% (122/227: 70 Q-NWT01, 52 Q-M3);而且考古家发现了一个4000岁的Saqqaq人(Q1a-MEH2*)。他更相似远东的Koryak和楚科奇人。[5]
民族 | 美国人口百分比 † | 单倍群Q频率 |
白人 | 63.7% | Q-P36*0.6%&Q-M3 0.1% |
西班牙裔美国人 | 16.3% | Q-P36*3.8%&Q-M3 7.9% |
黑人 | 12.6% | Q-P36*(xM3)0.2% |
亚裔美国人 | 4.8% | ~0% |
美洲原住民 ‡ | 0.9% | Q-P36*31.2%&Q-M3 26.9% |
来源 :[7]† 2010年美國人口普查[8] |
- 61%,玻利维亚[10]
- 51%,危地马拉,[11]
- 40.1% (159/397) 至50%,秘鲁
- 37.6%,厄瓜多尔,[12]
- 37.3%(181/485),墨西哥[13];混血:30.8% (203/659)[14]
- 31.2%(50/160),萨尔瓦多,[15]
- 15.3%(37/242),21.8%(89/408),巴拿马,[16]
- 16.1%,哥伦比亚,[17]
- 15.2%(25/165),尼加拉瓜,[18]
- 9.7%(20/206),智利,
- 5.3%(13/246)[19]至23.4%(181/775)[20],阿根廷,
- 5%,哥斯达黎加,[21]
- 3.95%,巴西[22]
Q-M242分布于俄罗斯, 西伯利亚 (克季,[23] Selkups, 西伯利亚尤皮克族人, Nivkhs, 楚科奇人,[24] Yukaghirs, Tuvans,[25] 阿尔泰人,[26] Koryaks,等。)
蒙古国,[27] 中国,[28][29][30] 朝鲜,日本
- 阿尔泰:24.3% (46/189: 45 Q-M346, 1 Q-M25);Q-M242、Q-M346、Q-M3
- Chelkans:60.0%(15/25:都是Q-M346),
- Tubalars:41%(11/27: 1 Q-M25,10 Q-M346)
- Altaians-Kizhi:17% (20/120)
- Altaians:4.2%(南),32.0%(北),63.6%(Kurmach-Baigol);13.7%(20/146 全)。[26] 或25.8%[37]
图瓦:14-62.5%[37] ;Tuvans、Tozhu Tuvans、新疆Tuvan[38]
Selkups (北西伯利亚):66.4%(87/131)[23]
Khakassians (6.3%,Q-M346)
Koryaks:15%(Q1a*9%,Q-M3 6%)[13]
2011年,Hua Zhong et al. :3.99%(34/853,包括30/853 Q-M120、3/853 Q-M346,并1/853 Q-M25)。[47]
维吾尔人:15.38%(22/143,包括6/143 Q-M378, 5/143 Q-P36.2*, 4/143 Q-M120、4/143 Q-M346, 1/143 Q-M25);吐鲁番地区[48]
西藏:3.2%[30] ; 1.23% (29/2354)[52] ; 0%、(n=105)[50]
日本:0.3%[56][50][57][58][59] (静冈、埼玉縣)
哈萨克族:2%[63]~6%[64][65] (平均4%)[66] (Qangly、康里、康國聯盟)
塔吉克人 (塔吉克斯坦):5%[67]~6%[64][65];
乌兹别克人:4/54=7.4%[68] ;20/366=5.5% ;11/127=8.7%(阿富汗)、包括5/94 Q-M242(xM120, M25,M346, M378), 4/94 Q-M346,并1/94 Q-M25(10/94=10.6% Q-M242) 朱兹詹省[35]
- 戈勒斯坦省的伊朗:42.6%(29/68)
- 伊斯法罕 (波斯人):9.1%
- 呼罗珊省 (波斯人):6.8%
- 6%在 Lorestan (Luristan, 吕尔)
- 4.9%在 Azarbaijan加尔比 (5.1%的 亚述人 和4.8%的 阿塞拜疆),4.5%的在 法尔斯 (波斯语的人)
土库曼人是烏古斯人的后裔,烏古斯人创建了很多突厥王朝(例如奥斯曼帝国)。 其他研究表示同样的频率。[70][71][72]
- 伊拉克:1.9%(3/154、都是Q-M378);Marsh Arabs:2.8%(4/143、1个Q-M25,3个Q-M378);Marsh Arab是苏美尔人的后裔。[73][74]
- 沙特阿拉伯:2.5%(4/157:3Q*,1Q-M346);阿拉伯联合酋长国:1.8%(3/164:2Q*,1Q-M346);阿曼:0.8%(1/121:Q*)[75][76]
- 叙利亚人:1.1%(1/87,Q-P36) [60]
- 黎巴嫩:2.0%(18/914,14Q*,4Q-M25)[77]
- 土耳其:2%(10/523: 9个Q*,1个Q-M25)[78]
- 土耳其的喀布尔(乌古斯人)部落:13%。[79]
阿富汗人:6.9%;普什图人:8.4%(9/49: 8个Q*,1个Q-M346)[81]
- Cristofaro 2013年:8.9%(45/507);朱兹詹省的土库曼:33.8%(25/74: 23个Q-M25,2个Q-M346); 乌兹别克人:8.7%(11/144: 6个Q*,1个Q-M25,4个Q-M346)[35]
- 总数:6.3%.[82]
印度人:2.38% (15/630),各种社会阶层(印度种姓制度);有罕见的Q-MEH2,不属于Q-M242,没有Q-M242。[85]
- 古吉拉特邦 (印度西部):12%(3/25)Chaudharis;总数2.8%(8/284).[86]
- Chitwan的Tharus:2.6%
- 新德里(印度首都)的印度教徒:6.1%(3/49)[87]
孟加拉国:9.7%(23/237: 查克马 13/89, Marma 4/60, 特里普拉邦 6/88);文章说Q-M242属于P*(x R1,R2).[88]
- 俄罗斯人:2%,[89]
- 白俄罗斯人:1.5%,[90]
- 乌克兰人:1.3%[91]
- 波兰人:0.5 [92]-1.3%,[93]
- 捷克人:2%,[94]
- 斯洛伐克:1.5%,[95]
- 匈牙利人:2.2%,[96][97]
- 罗马尼亚人:1.2%,[98]
- 摩尔多瓦:0.8%[99]
- 保加利亚:0.5%(4/808:2Q-M378,1Q-M346,1Q-M25)[100]
- 塞凯伊人来自特兰西瓦尼亚,是阿提拉以及匈人的后裔;3.1%是P*(xR1-M173)-Q-M242[101];或4.3%[102][103]
- 挪威:2.6%-4%[104];Q-L804比Q-F1161/L527更普遍[105]
- 丹麦:1.6%;法罗群岛:3%;跟维京人的后裔有关[106]
- 冰岛人(冰岛):7.2%(13/181)不是R1b,而是Q-M242[107]
- 芬兰:0.2%,[108]
- 拉脱维亚:4.6%[109]
- 立陶宛:1.1%,[110]
- 爱沙尼亚:0.5%
- 瑞士:2.1%[111]
- 法国的里昂 (罗讷-阿尔卑斯):5.1%。[112]
- 北英国的设得兰:4%-8%。
- 设得兰(Norse以及斯堪的纳维亚、法罗群岛、冰岛、英国)是维京人的殖民地,另外设得兰的Q-M242相似中国、中亚以及阿塞拜疆族 (阿塞拜疆)的Q-M242。单倍群来自中国,移民到欧洲。[104]
- 克罗地亚大陆:1.9%;
- 赫瓦尔群岛:4.3%(13/91);科尔丘拉岛:6.1%(8/132)[112]
- 意大利:0.6%;
- 西西里:2.5%(6/236);
- 馬扎拉德瓦洛:16.7%(3/18);拉古萨 (西西里):7.1%(2/28);夏卡 (阿格里真托省):3.6%[113]; 贝尔韦德雷马里蒂莫:3.7%[114]
阿什肯納茲猶太人:5.2%(23/441)是 Q-P36[115]
- Q(M242)
- Q* 印度和巴基斯坦[34];阿富汗、有八个普什图男人 (3 喀布尔,4个 拉格曼, 1 卡比萨省)[81]; 拉帕努伊(复活节岛)[118]
- Q-P36.2 (P36.2) 伊朗 [119]
- Q-MEH2 (MEH2):Koryaks (10.3%)[120]
- Q-M120 (M120、M265/N14):汉族,[28][29] 东干人, 越南,[59] 日,[58] 卡尔梅克,[121] 韩国,[64] 蒙古,[122] 藏人,[30][123],老挝苗族[124];不丹,[125] 哈扎拉人,[84] 文莱的Murut,[126] 秘鲁
- Q-M25 (M25,M143):土库曼的30-45%(因为R1b1以及P25)、古列斯坦省 (伊朗),[69] 朱兹詹 ( 阿富汗), 黎巴嫩,[127] 蒙古, 和 土耳其的[78]
- Q-M346 (L56,L57,M346):巴基斯坦, 伊朗伊, 阿富汗, 吉尔吉斯斯坦, 沙特阿拉伯,[76] 阿拉伯联合酋长国,[75] 印度, 蒙古, 藏, 和 巴厘岛[32];少数
- Q-L275 (L275, L314)
- Q-MEH2 (MEH2):Koryaks (10.3%)[120]
- 南中西伯利亚(阿尔泰)
- 北美洲
- 阿尔泰山脉(中国、蒙古)
- 格陵兰
- 中国
- Hengbei(倗国墓地;西周),江县,山西;2800-3000年前;9个Q1a1-M120、2个O2a-M95、1个N、4个O3a2-P201、2个O3、4个O*[141];其他文章发现了[142]
- 贵族:3个Q1a1、2个O3a、1个N
- 普通人:8个Q1a1、3个O3a、3个O*
- 倗伯,倗国的君主:Q-M120.
- 彭阳县, 宁夏;2500年前:都是4Q1a1-M120 (有很多动物的骨头、青铜刀和其他武器)
- 黑沟梁、新疆;2200年前;6个Q1a*,4个Q1b-M378,2个Q*[143]
- 匈奴墓地;Barkol、新疆:3个都是Q-M3
- 蒙高贵族,元朝,Shuzhuanglou,最北的河北省、中国;700年前:3个都是Q;高唐王=趙王 阔里吉思Korguz;mtdna=D4m2,其他两个是mtdna=A)[146]
- Hengbei(倗国墓地;西周),江县,山西;2800-3000年前;9个Q1a1-M120、2个O2a-M95、1个N、4个O3a2-P201、2个O3、4个O*[141];其他文章发现了[142]
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- 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
- Spread of Haplogroup Q, from The Genographic Project, 国家地理 (杂志)
- The India Genealogical DNA Project
- British Isles DNA Project
This article "单倍群Q-M242" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:单倍群Q-M242. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 7.0 7.1 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ Population Estimates 脚本错误:没有“webarchive”这个模块。
- ↑ 9.0 9.1 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。 => Guatemala population consists of about 40% Natives (Mayans)+60% Ladinos. According to this paper, 89% of Mayan and 25% of Ladinos belong to Y-DNA Q. Thus, 40*0.89+60*0.25=50.6%
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 13.0 13.1 13.2 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。=> (DANE, 2006) 86% of the whole Colombian population self-reported as of Mixed Ancestary, 3.4% as Native American, 10.5% as African-Columbian. In this paper, 12% (114/954) of MA, 95.7% (135/141) of NA, and 23.8% (5/21) of AC are turned out to be Y-DNA Q. Thus, 86*0.12+3.4*0.957+10.5*0.238=16.1%
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。 The author revised his previous paper, genotyping 2 more samples as haplogroup Q by Y-SNP test.
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ http://www.fsigeneticssup.com/article/S1875-1768脚本错误:没有“Unsubst”这个模块。 (08)00138-8/fulltext(To read this document, allow cookies on your internet option), 5 out of 100 samples in the Y-STR table can be classified as haplogroup Q-M3.
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。=> about 80 out of 2,024 (3.95%) samples in the paper collected from all the regions of Brazil can be classified as Y-DNA Q.
- ↑ 23.0 23.1 T. M. Karafet, 'High Levels of Y-Chromosome Differentiation among Native Siberian Populations and the Genetic Signature of a Boreal Hunter-Gatherer Way of Life', Human Biology, December 2002, v. 74, no. 6, pp. 761–789
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。 The SNPs used in the paper are P-M45, R1a1-M17, Q1a2-M3, and other xP-M45 SNPs. And the author mentions that, among ethnic groups in the paper, R1-M173 is harbored only in some eastern Siberian Udegeys and Koryaks and Native Americans. Also, R2 (distributed in India and its neighbours) cannot be found in far east Siberia. Thus, P-M45 except some samples mentioned above virtually means Q-M242 (xM3). In the paper, 35.3% of Nivkhs and 20.8% of Chukchi people and 18.2% of Siberian Eskimos are shown in P-M45, and 12.5% of Chukchis and 21.2% of Siberian Eskimos are in Q-M3. All of them can be estimated to be in haplogroup Q.
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 26.0 26.1 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 29.0 29.1 29.2 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 32.0 32.1 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 33.3 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 34.0 34.1 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 35.0 35.1 35.2 35.3 35.4 35.5 35.6 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 37.2 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ ZHANG Yong-Ke, CHEN Zheng, FAN An, et al. (2009), "Genetic relationships between Tuva population and the neighboring populations in the Altai Region of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region." HEREDITAS (Beijing) 2009 August, 31(8): 818―824. ISSN 0253-9772. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1005.2009.00818
- ↑ Пять генофондов пяти субэтносов сибирских татар
- ↑ E. J. VAJDA, "Siberian Link with Na-Dene Languages." The Dene–Yeniseian Connection, ed. by J. Kari and B. Potter(2010), pp.33–99, Anthropological Papers of the University of Alaska, new series, vol. 5(2010), Fairbanks: University of Alaska Fairbanks, Department of Anthropology
- ↑ E. G. Pulleyblank, "The consonontal system of old Chinese" [Pt 1], Asia Major, vol. IX (1962), pp. 1–2
- ↑ E. J. Vajda, Yeniseian Peoples and Languages: A History of Yeniseian Studies with an Annotated Bibliography and a Source Guide (2013, Oxford/New York, Routledge) pp.103-106, etc.
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ Tatiana M. Karafet, Ludmila P. Osipova, Olga V. Savina, et al. (2018), "Siberian genetic diversity reveals complex origins of the Samoyedic-speaking populations." Am J Hum Biol. 2018;e23194. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajhb.23194. DOI: 10.1002/ajhb.23194.
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ Lu Yan (2011), "Genetic Mixture of Populations in Western China." Shanghai: Fudan University, 2011: 1-84. (Doctoral dissertation in Chinese: 陆艳, “中国西部人群的遗传混合”, 上海:复旦大学,2011: 1-84.)
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- ↑ 50.0 50.1 50.2 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ LIU Shuhu, NIZAM Yilihamu, RABIYAMU Bake, ABDUKERAM Bupatima, and DOLKUN Matyusup, "A study of genetic diversity of three isolated populations in Xinjiang using Y-SNP." Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2018, 37(1): 146-156.
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- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ The frequencies of Q-M242 shown in both studies (Kim2010, Park2012) are 1.4% (7/506, Kim) and 1.8% (13/706, Park) respectively. But, if recalculated by regional population weights, the adjusted frequencies reach 1.87% (Kim) and 1.91% (Park) respectively, converging to 1.9%.
- ↑ Peter A. Underhill, Peidong Shen, Alice A. Lin, et al. (2000), "Y chromosome sequence variation and the history of human populations." Nature Genetics, Volume 26, November 2000.
- ↑ Yali Xue, Tatiana Zerjal, Weidong Bao, et al. (2006), "Male Demography in East Asia: A North–South Contrast in Human Population Expansion Times." Genetics 172: 2431–2439 (April 2006).
- ↑ 58.0 58.1 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
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- ↑ E. E. Ashirbekov, D. M. Botbaev, A. M. Belkozhaev, A. O. Abayldaev, A. S. Neupokoeva, J. E. Mukhataev, B. Alzhanuly, D. A. Sharafutdinova, D. D. Mukushkina, M. B. Rakhymgozhin, A. K. Khanseitova, S. A. Limborska, and N. A. Aytkhozhina, "Distribution of Y-Chromosome Haplogroups of the Kazakh from the South Kazakhstan, Zhambyl, and Almaty Regions." Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, ISSN 2224-5227, Volume 6, Number 316 (2017), 85 - 95.
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- ↑ The frequency of Q is 4% (6/150, all Q-M25) in Regueiro 2006, in which it is 9.1% (3/33) in north Iran and 2.6% (3/117) in south Iran. But, since more people live in the northern regions, if recalculated by population weights, the frequency will reach about 6%. It is also 6.2% (35/566) in Bekada 2013 with a large-scale sampling.
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ According to scholars, early Sumerians called themselves 'black-headed people', and spoke an agglutinative language with the word order of SOV, which was quite different from common Semitic or Indo-European languages. Among Semitic languages, only Akkadian had SOV word order, which is due to the influence of the Sumerian language.(For more information, see Sumer, Sumerian Language, Akkadian language, and so on.) On the other hand, surprisingly, some ancient writings found in Bolivia such as Pokotia Monolith, have been interpreted with the Proto-Sumerian language. http://www.faculty.ucr.edu/~legneref/biados/texts/WintersPokotia.htm
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- ↑ To aggregate the results of Haber 2012 and Cristofaro 2013, the frequency of each ethnic group is 33.3% (25/75) in Turkmens, followed by 8.1% (11/136) in Pashtuns, 7.6% in Uzbeks (11/144), 4.4% in Hazara, 3.0% in Tajiks. Currently, Afghans consist of Pashtun 42%, Tajik 27%, Hazara 9%, Uzbek 9%, Turkmen 3%, others 10%. Thus, if recalculated by population weights of ethnic groups, the frequency of Q in Afghans will be 6.3%.
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- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
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- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
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- ↑ Hungarian Bukovina
- ↑ Q-L712 Subclades of haplogroup Q-M25: Q-L712, Q-L715, Q-L713, Q-YP789
- ↑ 104.0 104.1 David K. Faux, 2007, The Genetic Link of the Viking – Era Norse to Central Asia: An Assessment of the Y Chromosome DNA, Archaeological, Historical and Linguistic Evidence, http://www.davidkfaux.org/CentralAsiaRootsofScandinavia-Y-DNAEvidence.pdf
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ Allison Mann, Vikings, merchants, and pirates at the top of the world : Y-chromosomal signatures of recent and ancient migrations in the Faroe Islands, MA Thesis of University of Louisville, 2012.
- ↑ Shetland Islands Haplogroups R1a & Q
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ 112.0 112.1 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
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- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。 In Table S4, #BEL50 is estimated to be Q-M378 by haplotype, though it is shown as just P* (xR1).
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- ↑ Alain Farhi et al., Preliminary Results of Sephardic DNA Testing, AVOTAYNU Volume XXIII, Number 2 Summer 2007, p.10
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- ↑ Boris Malyarchuk, Miroslava Derenko, Galina Denisova, Sanj Khoyt, Marcin Woźniak, Tomasz Grzybowski, and Ilya Zakharov, "Y-chromosome diversity in the Kalmyks at the ethnical and tribal levels." Journal of Human Genetics (2013) 58, 804–811; doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.108.
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- ↑ Pille Hallast, Chiara Batini, Daniel Zadik, et al., "The Y-Chromosome Tree Bursts into Leaf: 13,000 High-Confidence SNPs Covering the Majority of Known Clades." Molecular Biology and Evolution Advance Access publication December 2, 2014. doi:10.1093/molbev/msu327
- ↑ Monika Karmin, Lauri Saag, Mário Vicente, et al. (2015), "A recent bottleneck of Y chromosome diversity coincides with a global change in culture." Genome Research 25:1–8. Published by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; ISSN 1088-9051/15; www.genome.org.
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- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。 Q-M323 in 3/20=15% of a sample of Yemenite Jews.
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- ↑ The First Peopling of South America: New Evidence from Y-Chromosome Haplogroup Q Vincenza Battaglia, Viola Grugni, Ugo Alessandro Perego, Norman Angerhofer, J. Edgar Gomez-Palmieri, Scott Ray Woodward, Alessandro Achilli, Natalie Myres, Antonio Torroni, Ornella Semino
- ↑ YFull - Experimental Y Tree, Y-SNP calls for Afontova Gora 2, Afantova had haplogroup Q1a1 and some type of R derived mtdna.
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- ↑ Jennifer A. Raff & Deborah A. Bolnick. Palaeogenomics: Genetic roots of the first Americans // Nature. 2014. V. 506. P. 162–163.
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- ↑ Hollard et al., Strong genetic admixture in the Altai at the Middle Bronze Age revealed by uniparental and ancestry informative makers, Forensic Science International: Genetics, published online 4 June 2014
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- ↑ On Henbei, Pengyang, and Heigouliang, Lihongjie, Y-Chromosome Genetic Diversity of the Ancient North Chinese populations, Jilin University-China (2012)
- ↑ Yong-Bin Zhao et al., Ancient DNA evidence reveals that the Y chromosome haplogroup Q1a1 admixture into the Han Chinese 3,000 years ago, American Journal of Human Biology (Aug 2014).
- ↑ Lihongjie, Y-Chromosome Genetic Diversity of the Ancient North Chinese populations, Jilin University-China (2012)
- ↑ L. L. Kang et al., Y chromosomes of ancient Hunnu people and its implication on the phylogeny of East Asian linguistic families (2013)
- ↑ Knowing the Xiongnu Culture in Eastern Tianshan Mountain from Tomb Heigouliang and Dongheigou Site at the Beginning of Xihan Dynasty, RenMeng, WangJianXin, 2008
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。