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This article "岩田聰" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:岩田聰. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one. package.lua第80行Lua错误:module 'Module:Navbar' not found package.lua第80行Lua错误:module 'Module:Navbar' not found 岩田聪脚本错误:没有“lang”这个模块。,1959年12月6日—2015年7月11日

This article "岩田聰" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:岩田聰. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.) 是一名日本電子遊戲程式設計師電子遊戲開發者電子遊戲製作人商人,曾先後擔任HAL研究所任天堂代表董事社長,以及美國任天堂首席执行官等職務。他重視推出新穎有趣的軟體更甚於一昧追求頂級硬體,為擴大電子遊戲受眾做出了主要貢獻。

岩田聪出生于日本北海道,在早年就对电子游戏展现出兴趣,并于高中时期创作了他的第一款简单的电子游戏。他在东京工业大学主修计算机科学。 1980年,他在上大学时加入了游戏开发商HAL研究所。 在HAL时,他担任程序员,并与任天堂密切合作,于1983年制作了他的第一款商业游戏。他所贡献的游戏包括《地球冒险2 基格的逆袭》和星之卡比系列。 在经济低迷和濒临破产后,岩田先生在任天堂总裁山内溥的坚持下,于1993年成为HAL的总裁,并带来了财务稳定。 在接下来的几年中,他从事《宝可梦》和《任天堂明星大乱斗》系列的开发工作。 2000年,岩田聪加入任天堂,担任公司企划部负责人。

Nintendo saw growth under Iwata and, when Yamauchi retired, he became the company's president in May 2002. Under Iwata's direction, Nintendo developed the Nintendo DS and Wii game consoles, helping the company achieve financial success. As a self-declared gamer, he focused on expanding the appeal of video games across demographics through a "blue ocean" business strategy. Nintendo attained record profits by 2009, and Barron's placed Iwata among the top 30 CEOs worldwide. Iwata expanded his strategy by defining a quality-of-life product line for the Wii that evolved into a ten-year strategy to create standalone products. Later hardware such as the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U proved far less profitable than the Wii, and Nintendo's net sales fell by two thirds from 2009 to 2012; the company saw its first operating losses in 30 years during this time. Iwata voluntarily halved his salary in 2011 and 2014. In 2015, after several years of refusal, Iwata put a portion of Nintendo's focus into the rapidly growing mobile game market; a landmark partnership with mobile provider DeNA was established that March. Throughout his career, Iwata built a relationship with Nintendo fans through social media and his regular appearances in Iwata Asks and Nintendo Direct, becoming the public face of the company.

In June 2014, a tumor in Iwata's bile duct was discovered during a routine physical exam. It was removed, and Iwata returned to work in October of that year. The problem resurfaced in 2015, and Iwata died at the age of 55 from its complications on July 11. Members of the gaming industry and fans alike offered tributes through public announcements and social media, and fans worldwide established temporary memorials. Iwata was posthumously awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2015 Golden Joystick Awards and the 2016 D.I.C.E. Awards.


一部康懋达PET 2001型个人电脑
一部康懋达PET 2001,与岩田聰在1978年购买并随后拆解的电脑属同一型号

岩田聰於1959年12月6日出生於日本北海道札幌市,父親脚本错误:没有“ilh”这个模块。是一名政治家,曾長年擔任北海道室蘭市市長[1]脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。在中學時期,岩田聰便已经展现出自己的领导能力,先后担任班长、学生会會长以及社团社长等职务脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。就讀初中時,他使用了一部使用电话线的示范电脑,第一次接触了电脑。岩田聰經常乘坐札幌地鐵,在通勤時他常遊玩一款名为“游戏31”(ゲーム31[[Category:含有Template:ISO 639 name ja的條目]])的简单数字游戏,直到完全精通為止脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。

[待校對] 1974年,岩田聰以做洗碗工作所得的薪資及父亲额外给他的一些零花钱购买了由惠普研發的全世界第一款可编程电子计算器脚本错误:没有“ilh”这个模块。。隔年4月,他进入脚本错误:没有“ilh”这个模块。就读,高一时便开始製作遊戲脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。



脚本错误:没有“ilh”这个模块。 https://www.4gamer.net/games/999/G999905/20141226033/index_2.html https://www.1101.com/president/iwata-index.html


1978年,岩田聰购买了他的第一部电脑——一部脚本错误:没有“ilh”这个模块。脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。为了了解这台机器,他拆解了这台电脑以深入学习其构造。这台电脑的中央处理器的型号是MOS 6502,刚巧与任天堂用于红白机上的中央处理器类似。他日后也为红白机开发了游戏[3][4]。高中毕业之后,岩田聰于1978年4月进入東京工業大學修讀計算機科學脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。[2][5]。他的同学、现在是工学教授的植松友彦赞叹于他熟练编程的能力,指出他能比其他所有同学更快写出更准确的程序[6]

在學時他以無薪實習生的方式加入康懋達日本,協助首席工程師寺倉康晴[4]的技術和軟件開發任務脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。岩田聰选择接受这份工作的主要原因之一就是他希望更多接触电脑,学习当时未向公众公开的技术细节[4]脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。寺倉康晴后来成为了岩田聰的导师,在他已掌握大量软件知识的基础上教给了他硬件工程的知识[4]。岩田聰和他的一些朋友在秋葉原租了一套公寓,随后组建了一个社團用来制作编写游戏[7]。居住在附近公寓的同学把他的房间称为“游戏中心岩田”[nb 1][6]。他经常向西武百貨的计算机部门展示他制作的游戏,而在1980年那里的一群员工邀请岩田聰加入他们开办的公司——HAL研究所[7][8]脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。



在1983年,岩田聰成为了HAL研究所的软件开发协调员,也就是在这段时间,他帮助HAL研究所与任天堂达成了合作关系,为刚上市的红白机开发游戏。他亲自前往京都市与任天堂达成协议获得了给红白机开发游戏的许可脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。他的第一个商业发行游戏是红白机版本的《鴕鳥騎士》,为1982年同名街机游戏移植版本[4]。他参与制作的其他游戏还包括《气球大战》、《马力欧高尔夫公开赛》、《地球冒险2 基格的逆袭》和星之卡比系列游戏[3][11][12]。在开发《高尔夫》的时候,任天堂起初联系了其他几位程序员来开发这款游戏,但他们都拒绝了,理由是他们认为红白机的卡带存放不下这么多的数据。岩田聰抓住了这个机会,「鲁莽地」毛遂自荐开发这款游戏。开发这款游戏对岩田聰而言是巨大的负担,他不得不开发自己的数据压缩方式来存放游戏的18个高尔夫场地。HAL研究所在开发游戏的时候也有类似的问题,由于红白机的硬件功能限制,他们必须为游戏《F1赛车》自行研发视差滚动技术[10]


尽管他当时不是任天堂的一员,岩田聰协助开发了《精靈寶可夢 金·銀》。《精靈寶可夢 金·銀》于1999年11月发行于Game Boy Color平台,他为这个游戏开发了一套图像压缩工具[14]。在为Game Freak和任天堂充当中间人的时候,他还协助开发了任天堂64平台上发售的《精靈寶可夢競技場2》——他在一周的时间内阅读了《精靈寶可夢 紅·綠》的源代码,并将战斗系统移植到了这款游戏当中[7][14]。据寶可夢公司社长石原恆和所言,他还有助于将宝可梦带向西方市场。在他就任HAL研究所社长的时候,他在阅读了《精靈寶可夢 紅·綠》的源代码后为其设计了本地化方案。随后实施了这个方案,在日版游戏推出的两年后发行了英文版[15]。此外,他还帮助了樱井政博开发任天堂64上发行的《任天堂明星大亂鬥[7]



在2000年,岩田聰加入任天堂,擔任经营企划部长,并进入董事会脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。在接下来的两年内,他在保持游戏质量的同时设法缩减了游戏开发周期及成本[16]。在他进入任天堂后的前两年,任天堂的利润率从20%增长到41%,这其中便有一部分他的功劳[9]。自1949年开始掌权的任天堂时任社长山内溥于2002年5月24日退休[17][18],岩田聰在他的委任下成为了任天堂第四任社長[19]。他也是自任天堂于1889年成立以来,首位非山內家族出身的任天堂社長[20]。山内溥在离任前给岩田聰留下了嘱托,希望他给任天堂带去全新的创意,为之设计对应的硬件,并让软件保持相同的水准[7]请求校对:to 后面的从句是政策的内容还是政策的制定目的? 岩田聰继承的是一个提倡个性的公司,山内溥在任时为了满足设立全新开发岗位的需要曾制定了这样的政策。 Iwata inherited a company that promoted individualism, with a policy established by Yamauchi to create new development positions as needed. End of 请求校对 然而,这也妨碍了一些部门之间的合作脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。

在岩田聰就职任天堂社长之时,任天堂虽然仍在盈利,但在与其他主机制造商的竞争中处于劣势。任天堂GameCube的销量情况不佳,索尼PlayStation 2微软Xbox卖得都比它要好[1]。这个时期也是网络游戏的黎明期,但是任天堂没有做好进军这个市场的准备。他对网络游戏持谨慎态度,表示“任天堂不打算抗拒网络游戏,只是在循序渐进而已”[21]。他还与卡普空培养出了紧密的联系,提升了任天堂GameCube的市场吸引力[7]。在2002年的一次采访当中,岩田聰表示他觉得电子游戏行业正在变得越来越排他,他希望制造出可以吸引所有玩家的游戏以及硬件,而不是一昧追求顶级画质[21]

他上任之初便与公司内的40位部门领导和150位其他员工直接见面,这与山内溥几乎不与员工单独见面、一年只开一次年会的做法大相径庭。宫本茂将山内溥时期的工作环境描述为“很闷”,并称岩田聰“改善了公司的通风状况”脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。岩田聰充分意识到他社长的职位无法确保员工顺从,设法与员工在个人层面直接进行交流。如果员工的看法与他不和,他便会建议员工遵循他们自己的意见。岩田聰认为“游戏创作者只有在风险中才会成长”脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。在增进交流的同时,岩田聰还将数据和科学带入公司的运营中。山内溥基本依照自己的经验和直觉进行决策,岩田聰则使用数据支撑的假说来传达自己的观点脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。岩田聰还在董事会中提拔宫本茂、竹田玄洋、森仁洋和波多野信治为代表董事,与他的地位相同[22][23]注释:使用这个来源是否更好?https://www.nintendo.co.jp/ir/pdf/2002/020530.pdf 第27页明确写明了人员变动情况,问题是未能证明是岩田聪自己进行的提拔


Template:Image frame 在2002年的采访之后[21],岩田聰又在2003年的东京电玩展的主题演讲中再次强调了电子游戏市场的紧急情况。在他的演讲中,他回顾了行业发展的历史,并得出了大众对电子游戏的兴趣正在衰退的结论脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。在1990年代末日本电子游戏市场的销售额发生了骤降,这个趋势一直持续到了2000年代初。任天堂和索尼之间的竞争导致游戏主机的硬件越来越庞大;然而任天堂64过于笨重,导致开发者游戏开发者负担过大,制作的游戏也受到了严重影响脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。岩田聰下令任天堂进行了长达一年的市场分析,结果发现追求硬件能力不是宣传电子游戏最有效的方法,因而将注意力转移到软件上脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。在2004年,任天堂内部进行了一次重大重组,岩田聰合并了山内溥时期设立的多个部门。他设法在公司内部提倡协同工作脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。。他在2005年又设立了一个“用户拓展计划”,以让不涉及游戏开发的员工得以分享他们的游戏创意脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。



Iwata helped lead a revitalization of Nintendo's handheld business by transitioning the company from the Game Boy Advance to the Nintendo DS, which sported a unique form factor and inclusion of a touchscreen that allowed for novel games.[26] The idea for using two screens on a single device originated with Yamauchi before his retirement, while Miyamoto suggested the use of a touchscreen.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 Miyamoto subsequently spearheaded development of the device and its prototypes.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 The Nintendo DS proved to be a highly profitable system and went on to become the second-best selling video game console of all time with more than 154 million units, inclusive of subsequent iterations, sold by September 2014.[27][28] In June 2004, Iwata sought a conference with Dr. Ryuta Kawashima about a game that could appeal to non-gamers. This project would later become Brain Age: Train Your Brain in Minutes a Day!, released in May 2005.[3]脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 Iwata personally oversaw development of the Brain Age series, even foregoing a public appearance on the day of the Nintendo DS's release in Japan on December 2.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 Miyamoto supported Iwata's work with the series and sent one of his protégés, Kouichi Kawamoto, to help develop the game.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 The Brain Age series is partially credited with launching the popularity of the Nintendo DS, and the series as a whole sold over 30 million copies by December 2008.[3]脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。

Subsequent iterations of the Nintendo DS, the DS Lite and DSi, also saw positive sales.[29] The DS Lite improved upon the original DS, featuring brighter screens and a slimmer design in accordance with consumer demand.[30][31] Released in March 2006 in Japan and three months later worldwide,[30] the DS Lite ultimately sold nearly 94 million units.[27] Statistics showed that households often shared a single DS, and Iwata sought to expand this from one per household to one per person.[29] The console's third iteration, the DSi, embodies this idea with the "i" representing a single person.[32] Despite concerns that the video game market was already over saturated by the DS and DS Lite, Iwata was confident that the DSi would sell, especially in European markets.[33][34] The DSi built upon the success of the DS Lite by similarly meeting consumer demand.[32] In addition to being slimmed further, the DSi featured two cameras, SD card support, an audio reader, and the "Nintendo DSi Shop".[30] The relatively quick succession of the DS Lite and DSi broke the conventional pattern for release of game systems, each being released roughly 18 months apart instead of 5 years. Iwata saw the gradual price drop in the five-year cycle as a way of indirectly telling consumers to wait to purchase products and a punishment for those who bought it at launch. He sought to alleviate this issue with the quick releases.[32]


Template:Rquote Discussions between Iwata, Miyamoto, and Takeda about a new home console began in the first half of 2003.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 With encouragement from Yamauchi, Iwata pushed for development of a revolutionary product that would later become the Wii.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 Iwata subsequently assigned Takeda to the project, "telling [Takeda] to go off the tech roadmap".脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 The overall premise was that "a Mom has to like it".脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 During the console's development process Iwata challenged engineers to make the Wii no thicker than three DVD cases stacked together, a feat they ultimately accomplished.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 Takeda and his team focused on reducing power consumption while retaining or improving levels of performance shown with the GameCube.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 Alongside the internal hardware designed by Nintendo's engineers, Iwata proposed that the console abandon use of a typical controller to make gaming more accessible to everyone.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 Miyamoto took the lead on developing a new controller while Takeda's team provided the internal components. After six months and dozens of scrapped prototypes, Takeda procured a CMOS sensor that later became the core aspect of the remote. With the addition of accelerometers, they were able to effectively produce motion controls.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。

Initially codenamed "Revolution" during a teaser at E3 2004, following Iwata's goal of creating a gaming revolution,[21][26] Iwata publicly revealed the Wii at E3 2005, holding it above his head to emphasize its small size and light weight design.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 Reveal of the Wii's signature Wii Remote controller was withheld until the Tokyo Game Show in September 2005. During his speech at the conference, Iwata reiterated his stance on growing the gaming market but expanded upon it by emphasizing the need to make controls less complicated.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 The controller's remote control design partially stemmed from Iwata's desire to have a device that was "immediately accessible" to all. He also insisted that the Wii Remote be referred to as simply a "remote" rather than a controller to emphasize its accessibility to anyone.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。

The Wii ultimately popularized the use of motion control-based video games and proved highly successful for Nintendo, helping to nearly double the company's stock price.[26] Tapping into the market of casual players, the Wii marked "a breakthrough moment in the history of video games":脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 a new genre of gaming was established for the family market.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 Iwata's former experience as a programmer, a rarity for technology CEOs, was said to help contribute towards his leadership of the company.[35][36] By the end of the 2009 fiscal year, Nintendo saw record net sales and profit of ¥1.8 trillion (US$18.7 billion) and ¥279 billion (US$2.8 billion), respectively.[37] Due to his success, Barron's included Iwata on their list of the 30 top CEOs worldwide from 2007 to 2009.[26][38]


Players of Pokémon Go gathered around a "virtual" Pokémon gym in Brest, France. Social interactions outside homes like this was one of the goals of Iwata's quality-of-life initiative.

Starting with the introduction of the Wii in 2006, Iwata placed focus on development of products that improved quality of life.[39] The Wii Fit series, conceptualized by Miyamoto,[40] epitomized this movement.[39] At E3 2009, Iwata revealed development of an add-on product to the Wii: the Wii Vitality Sensor. The device measured autonomic nerve functions, namely pulse, and incorporate acquired data into relaxation products.[41][42] Iwata saw the device as a continuation of the "blue ocean" strategy previously articulated. He indicated that the market of motion controls was turning into a "red ocean", whereby too many companies would saturate the market and restrict profits. The Vitality Sensor was developed in hopes of providing a novel way to interact with video games and continue Nintendo's history of innovation.[43] However, testing of a prototype device yielded less than desirable results and Nintendo had postponed the release of the product indefinitely by 2013.[42]

In January 2014, Iwata unveiled a ten-year strategy for the company based on quality-of-life products.[39][44] The target was a new market outside video games.[45] Developed under partnerships with Dr. Yasuyoshi Watanabe and ResMed, the first device in this initiative was a fatigue and sleep deprivation sensor announced in October 2014. Unlike the Vitality Sensor, the sleep sensor was to be a stand-alone product that would not need to be worn.[46] Following Iwata's death in July 2015, analysts questioned whether Nintendo would continue the quality-of-life initiative. Despite a planned United States release in March 2016, some suggested the product had been temporarily shelved, while others believed the product had been indefinitely postponed like the Vitality Sensor before it.[39] The device was formally discontinued by February 2016; however, Tatsumi Kimishima stated that research into quality of life products would continue.[47] Nintendo-based products like the Nintendo Switch designed to encourage use on the go and social interactions, the mobile augmented reality game Pokémon Go that requires travelling outside the house, and its addition Pokémon Sleep that works based on a player's sleep patterns, all represent continuations of Iwata's quality-of-life initiative.[48] The Switch game Ring Fit Adventure, which includes accessories that let players manipulate the game through physical exercise, is seen as a successor to Wii Fit and continuing the quality-of-life program.[49]


Template:Bar box Subsequent hardware units under Iwata's tenure, including the Nintendo 3DS and Wii U, were not as successful as the DS and Wii, and Nintendo's finances took a downward turn starting in 2010.[50][51] During the development phase of the 3DS, a handheld device featuring stereoscopic 3D without the need of accessories, Iwata stated that his background in technology helped keep Nintendo's engineers in line.[52] It was hoped that the successor to the Nintendo DS would reinvigorate the company after profits began declining.[53] However, weak sales upon the release of the Nintendo 3DS caused the company's stock to fall by 12 percent on July 29, 2011.[54] The console's poor sales prompted a price cut in August from its launch price of US$250 to US$170.[55] Sales of the 3DS continually fell below expectations.[56] Iwata later admitted in 2014 that he had misread the market and had not appropriately accounted for changing lifestyles since the launch of the Wii.[57] He continually placed focus on family-oriented games despite declining popularity.[58]

The Wii U, released in November 2012,[59] was sold below its production cost as Nintendo hoped for stronger software sales to alleviate ongoing losses.[60] The addition of HD graphics, a feature not present in the original Wii, placed unexpected strain on development teams and led to software delays. Compounding the frustration of consumers was Iwata's disinterest in competitors such as Microsoft and Sony,[61][62] both of which experienced similar issues during the releases of the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 respectively. Paul Tassi of Forbes claimed that Nintendo could have handled the change more efficiently by drawing lessons from Microsoft and Sony's transition to HD graphics.[63] The console ultimately failed to meet sales expectations and became the slowest-selling Nintendo platform, with 9.5 million units sold by June 2015. Miyamoto attributed the lackluster sales to public misunderstandings of the console's concept and functionality.[64] Iwata later admitted the console to be a failure as a successor to the Wii, with games being unable to showcase notable originality in the Wii U.[65] The back-to-back failures of the 3DS and Wii U prompted Mitsushige Akino of Ichiyoshi Asset Management Co. to suggest that Iwata should resign from his position.[58]

Nintendo's overall net sales declined from its peak of ¥1.8 trillion (US$18.7 billion) in 2009 to ¥549 billion (US$4.6 billion) in 2015. Net income losses were incurred in 2012 and 2014.[37][66] In 2010, Nintendo revealed that Iwata earned a modest salary of ¥68 million (US$770,000), which increased to ¥187 million (US$2.11 million) with performance based bonuses. In comparison, Miyamoto earned a salary of ¥100 million (US$1.13 million).[67] Iwata voluntarily halved his salary in 2011 and 2014 as apologies for the poor sales while other members of the Nintendo board of directors had pay cuts of 20–30 percent.[68][69] This also served to ensure the job security of Nintendo's employees, preventing workers from being laid off in order to improve short-term finances.[70][42] In 2012, the company experienced its first operating loss since entering the video game market more than 30 years earlier.[71] Losses continued for the next two years before the company finally returned to profitability at the end of the 2015 fiscal year.[66][51][72] The slight turnaround was largely attributed to blockbuster games such as Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.[66][51]

In June 2013, Iwata took on the additional role of Nintendo of America's CEO.[73][74] As one of his first changes as CEO, Iwata decided that they would not hold large press conferences at E3, and instead have several smaller events, each aimed at a certain demographic.[75] While traveling to Tokyo in late 2013, Iwata sketched an idea for a series of physical toys that could connect with Nintendo's games. This concept soon developed into the Amiibo line of figures which launched less than a year later. Amiibo proved to be a huge success, with more than 6 million figurines sold by the end of 2014, roughly a month after launch.[52] By March 2016, combined sales of figures and cards—a product released in 2015—exceeded 64 million units, proving financially beneficial across all Nintendo platforms.[76]



The Nintendo Switch in its handheld form with the Joy-Con controllers attached

In early 2010, the success of Apple Inc.'s mobile App Store prompted concern among game developers that the medium was shifting to smart devices.[77] That July, Iwata acknowledged competition from Apple and considered them the "enemy of the future".[78] However, during an interview the following year, Iwata appeared entirely against the idea of Nintendo moving into the mobile market, claiming the company would "cease to be Nintendo" if they did so.[79] He reasoned that mobile gaming would lack integrity over the quality of games in an effort to turn a profit. A slow shift in this view ensued over the following years as the mobile gaming market continued to grow.[80] In 2012 he acknowledged that mobile devices provided significant competition but remained confident in his company's abilities.[81] In a message to shareholders in March 2014 fiscal year, Iwata stated, "… I believe that the era has ended when people play all kinds of games only on dedicated gaming systems."[82] He cited the convenience of mobile devices for quick entertainment and expansive capabilities over a handheld console's dedicated software.[82] Criticism arose over his continued stubbornness in moving to the mobile market,[83] with analysts and investors continually requesting a change in outlook. Yoshihisa Toyosaki, president of Architect Grand Design Inc., claimed that "Nintendo is out of touch", referring to the company's history of ignoring outside input.[57] This ultimately negatively influenced Nintendo's finances and popularity to a degree.[84]

In March 2015, Iwata put part of Nintendo's focus on the growing mobile game market, creating a landmark partnership with mobile provider DeNA to publish games, as traditional hardware console sales began to falter.[19][85] This came in contrast to Nintendo's previous business model which put focus on console exclusives to prompt people to buy their platforms.[86] Iwata emphasized that although Nintendo IPs would be utilized in mobile games, the company would not compromise their integrity. He also stressed that the main goal would be to reach as many people as possible rather than which options would earn the most money, similar to the idea behind the Wii.[87] After the partnership with DeNA was established, Iwata reiterated his stance that the common free-to-play type mobile games, which he referred to as "free-to-start", threatened the future quality of games. Although he acknowledged the practice as a viable means of promoting games in the short-term, he considered the model outdated and not a sound direction for core development.[80][88] He also emphasized that the business model for these games did not match with the core values of Nintendo and could not serve as the basis of "long-lasting relationship with [Nintendo's] customers".[89]

Iwata oversaw development of the Nintendo Switch through the final months of his life, serving as the console's head developer. In a February 2017 interview with the magazine Time, Miyamoto believed Iwata's goal for the system was to make it portable and allow communication between people. Iwata focused on the technical aspects of the device during this stage.[90]


脚本错误:没有“Labelled list hatnote”这个模块。 During the earlier years of his presidency at Nintendo, Iwata would often forego media appearances, unless new hardware was being announced, in order to spend more time programming.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 However, his attitude towards this changed, and he eventually became a prominent part of Nintendo's public relations. Iwata helped Nintendo to improve relations with its fans by regularly responding to them through social media,[36] and he shared insights on Nintendo's employees, games, and hardware through his interview series Iwata Asks.[35] Inspiration for this series, which began in September 2006, stemmed from Iwata's background as a game programmer and his curiosity of the mindset of other developers.[91][92] These interviews often showcased the friendly camaraderie between Iwata and other members of Nintendo as jokes and laughter were commonplace.[20] They also revealed a different side of the normally secretive Nintendo: openness to discuss some of the inner workings of the company.[93]

In 2011, Iwata helped to institute Nintendo Direct, a series of online press conferences open to all that revealed upcoming Nintendo games and products outside of typical industry channels.[36] These videos were often quirky and humorous, reflecting the personality of Iwata himself.[7] This stood completely against the generally serious tones displayed by Sony and Microsoft.[94] One such video displayed a mock battle between him and Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aimé to showcase the inclusion of Mii characters, Nintendo digital avatars, in Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Wii U.[36][95] These frequently spurred the creation of Internet memes; such memes include the phrase "please understand" which was often used by Iwata for delays or other negative news, adding "[Iwata laughs]" to forum posts as a reference to his frequent laughter in segments of Iwata Asks, and images of Iwata staring silently at a bunch of bananas as part of a pre-recorded E3 2012 video to promote the Donkey Kong franchise.[3][96][97][98]

As a byproduct of his presence in Iwata Asks and Nintendo Direct, Iwata became the public face of Nintendo.[94] Iwata enjoyed conversing with reporters and would prepare stories in advance to entertain them. Even when time did not allow, he would mingle with interviewers and chat casually.[99]


Iwata assisted in the founding of Creatures Inc. and The Pokémon Company which were established in 1995 and 1998, respectively, by Tsunekazu Ishihara.[100][101] Iwata later coordinated licensing changes domestically and internationally with The Pokémon Company when it became its own entity.[101] In 1998, Iwata helped his colleague and personal friend Shigesato Itoi establish Hobonichi by working as the company's IT Manager. He acquired this position after being asked by Itoi one month prior to the June 6 launch date to arrange a website and the company's technical systems, to which Iwata complied. Iwata personally enjoyed the role and even still held the position in 2007, despite running Nintendo full-time by this point.[102] Soon after his promotion to president of Nintendo, Iwata assigned himself to a development team at HAL Laboratory working on Super Smash Bros. Melee, for the GameCube, to continue his programming passion.[5][103] Stemming from his work with the Brain Age series, Iwata assisted in producing educational games such as Kanji Sonomama Rakubiki Jiten DS, English Training: Have Fun Improving Your Skills!, and Imasara Hito ni Kikenai Otona no Joushikiryoku Training DS.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 He also worked on Animal Crossing, Mario, Metroid Prime, and The Legend of Zelda series of games, among others.[9][104] He also had a cameo in WarioWare: Smooth Moves.[105] Iwata partook in the development of Pokémon Go, an augmented reality mobile game, starting in 2013. The game was publicly revealed in September 2015, two months after his death.[106][107]


refer to caption
Fans left memorabilia and personalized artwork of various Nintendo video game series, including Mario, Kirby, and The Legend of Zelda, dedicated to Iwata at a memorial in the Nintendo World Store.

On June 5, 2014, Nintendo announced that Iwata would not attend E3 2014 due to medical problems.[108] Iwata issued a public message to shareholders on June 24 that he had undergone surgery the previous week to remove a tumor in his bile duct discovered during a routine physical examination.[104][109] After roughly four months of recovery from a successful surgery, he returned to work in October. During this time he lost a notable amount of weight, but stated he was feeling healthier as a result.[110] Iwata made his first public appearance on a Nintendo Direct announcement on November 5, but looked "gaunt and pale".[111] He appeared to take this in stride and updated his own Mii, avatars used in Nintendo hardware, in June 2015 to reflect his slimmer self.[112] On January 28, 2015, Iwata came down with a high fever and was suspected to have influenza; a meeting with shareholders was postponed accordingly.[113] Some time after attending a different shareholder meeting on June 26, Iwata became ill again and was hospitalized.[114][115] Despite his hospitalization, Iwata continued to work via his laptop in his bed and provided feedback on Pokémon Go to Tsunekazu Ishihara.[115] He died due to complications from the tumor on July 11 at the age of 55. Nintendo announced his death the following day.[74]

Flags at Nintendo's headquarters were lowered to half-staff on July 13.[116] Nintendo's regional offices took a day of silence on July 13 across all of its social media accounts in remembrance of Iwata.[117] Members of the gaming industry and fans alike expressed their sadness on social media over Iwata's death and gratitude for his accomplishments.[116][118] Fans established memorials across the world, including at the Japanese Embassy in Moscow, Russia, and the Nintendo World Store in Manhattan, New York.[119][120] Shuhei Yoshida, president of SCE Worldwide Studios, stated: "I pray that Mr. Iwata, who contributed so much to the development of the gaming industry, rests in peace."[121] Composer and director Junichi Masuda, most known for his work with the Pokémon games, tweeted: "He was a man who understood Pokémon, and a great leader. When I visited the other day, he was well. I will pray for his soul from the bottom of my heart."[122] The Tokyo Institute of Technology issued a memorial statement on August 4, with Iwata's former classmates and professors contributing their memories.[6] At The Game Awards 2015, Reggie Fils-Aimé delivered a tribute to Iwata, describing him as "fearless" and "unique, in the fullest meaning of the word".[123][124]

Several hours after the announcement of Iwata's death, a photograph of a rainbow over Nintendo's headquarters in Kyoto was posted to Twitter and widely shared; it was dubbed "the Rainbow Road to heaven", in reference to a stage in the Mario Kart series.[125][126] Buddhist funeral services for Iwata were held in Kyoto on July 16 and 17. Despite stormy weather produced by Typhoon Nangka, an estimated 4,100 people attended to pay their respects.[127][128][129] Following the wake, Iwata's remains were cremated and his ashes were buried at an undisclosed place in Kyoto.[130]

Following Iwata's death, general directors Shigeru Miyamoto and Genyo Takeda temporarily managed the company together.[131] On September 14, Nintendo announced that Tatsumi Kimishima, head of its Human Resources Division and former CEO of Nintendo of America, would succeed Iwata as the fifth president of Nintendo.[132]


Template:Rquote Throughout his life, Iwata was known for unconventional ideas and changing the medium of gaming.[7][133] He was seen as the embodiment of Nintendo: playful, quirky, humorous, and fun.[134] Iwata's proficiency in programming led many to refer to him as a "genius" in the subject, with some likening him to a Japanese Bill Gates.[6][135] His hands-on approach to business earned him admiration and respect from both developers and gamers.[7] The opening to Iwata's "Heart of a Gamer" speech at GDC 2005 is regarded as the "essence" of who he was: a humble businessman dedicated to video games.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 He, alongside others at Nintendo such as Miyamoto, are credited with vastly expanding the gaming market and creating a new genre.脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。脚本错误:没有“Footnotes”这个模块。 By targeting a new audience instead of competing against Microsoft and Sony, Iwata avoided a "straight fight" with Nintendo's competitors and successfully achieved his goals.[7][133] Accordingly, Iwata was referred to as a "gentle revolutionary".[7] The simplistic appeal of the Nintendo DS and Wii served to expand the market.[7] Chris Kohler of Wired magazine stated that "thanks to Nintendo's Satoru Iwata, we're all gamers now," referring to the surge in video game popularity following the releases of the Nintendo DS and Wii.[136] Although widely respected, he received criticism over his stubbornness in moving Nintendo to the mobile market.[83] Following Iwata's death, Reggie Fils-Aimé remarked, "... it will be years before his impact on both Nintendo and the full video game industry will be fully appreciated."[137]

In October 2015, a fan-made Amiibo featuring Iwata's Mii avatar was crafted and auctioned for US$1,900 on eBay; all proceeds were to be donated to the Child's Play charity in his memory.[138][139] Iwata was posthumously and unanimously granted the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2015 Golden Joystick Awards for his influence across the gaming industry.[140] Iwata was also posthumously granted the Lifetime Achievement Award at the 2016 DICE Awards.[141][142] At the 2016 Game Developers Choice Awards, Iwata was honored with a short animated film by David Hellman, the artist who worked on Braid.[143] In July 2019, Hobonichi published a book, 脚本错误:没有“nihongo”这个模块。, by Yasuda Nagata in Japan. The book includes excerpts from many Iwata Asks interviews and interviews with Iwata's closest friends, including Shigeru Miyamoto and Shigesato Itoi, after his death. In response to public demand, the agency is planning to localize the book in multiple languages with the Tuttle-Mori Agency.[144][145] Viz Media will publish the title as Ask Iwata in North America in early 2021.[146]


A tribute in honor of Iwata, reading "This game is dedicated to our wingman who fell in battle", was placed at the end of the credits for Star Fox Zero.[147][148] Another speculated tribute appears in the Nintendo Switch 2017 launch game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, a game in development at the time of his death.[149] A non-playable character, who bears a striking resemblance to Satoru Iwata, asks for the player to go atop Satori Mountain in search of the mystical Lord of the Mountain. Given the similarity between "Satori" and "Satoru" and the fact that the Lord of the Mountain is seen as a guiding spirit, the quest is thought to be an elaborate tribute to Iwata.[150] In September 2017, modders discovered that an emulated version of the NES game Golf, which Iwata programmed, is included in the Nintendo Switch firmware, accessed by moving the Joy-Con controllers similarly to how Iwata would move his hands in Nintendo Direct presentations when the system clock is set to July 11, the day of his death.[151] This appeared to have been removed by Nintendo with a system update issued later that year.[152] Within Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, visiting the Game Freak building with Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Gold and Silver has a non-player character relate how they were having trouble getting data onto the Game Boy Color game cards until they were helped by an "amazing guy"; this acknowledges Iwata's contribution to Gold and Silver that allowed them to include the whole of the world from Pokémon Red and Blue without compromising the size of the Gold/Silver world.[153]


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  102. Template:Cite interview
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  148. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  149. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  150. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  151. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  152. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  153. 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。

This article "岩田聰" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:岩田聰. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.

Further reading[编辑]


  • 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  • 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  • 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  • 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
  • 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。

External links[编辑]

脚本错误:没有“Sister project links”这个模块。

Template:星之卡比系列 Template:任天堂明星大亂鬥系列 Template:瑪利歐系列 Template:地球冒險系列 Template:任天堂 脚本错误:没有“Authority control”这个模块。脚本错误:没有“Check for unknown parameters”这个模块。 脚本错误:没有“Portal bar”这个模块。

Category:1959 births Category:2015 deaths Category:20th-century Japanese businesspeople Category:21st-century Japanese businesspeople Category:Deaths from cancer in Japan Category:Deaths from cholangiocarcinoma Category:Japanese chief executives Category:Japanese video game designers Category:Nintendo people Category:People from Sapporo Category:Tokyo Institute of Technology alumni Category:Japanese video game directors Category:Japanese video game producers Category:Japanese video game programmers Category:Japanese video game businesspeople Category:Academy of Interactive Arts & Sciences Lifetime Achievement Award recipients This article "岩田聰" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:岩田聰. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.

Page kept on Wikipedia This page exists already on Wikipedia.