脚本错误:没有“Multiple image”这个模块。 《挪威王列傳》(Template:Lang-is;Template:IPA-is)是由冰島歷史學家斯諾里·斯蒂德呂松於13世紀著作而成,《挪威王列傳》的冰島語 Heimskringla 是17世紀時的稱呼,由手稿的前兩個字而來(kringla heimsins「世界的輪迴」)。
《挪威王列傳》中收錄了一系列關於瑞典國王與挪威國王的薩迦,首篇便是瑞典依林格王朝 (Yngling) 的薩迦,接續九世紀時挪威統治者金髮王哈洛德,最後則以西元1177年王位覬覦者埃斯泰因·美依拿 (Eystein Meyla) 之死結尾。《挪威王列傳》的內容來源眾說紛紜。其內容包含更早以前的國王薩迦,如莫金斯金納 (Morkinskinna)、法格斯奇那 (Fagrskinna),和12世紀時流傳於挪威的故事與經由口頭傳播的民俗故事,尤其是吟遊詩人詩歌。斯諾里·斯蒂德呂松曾造訪挪威和瑞典。斯諾里·斯蒂德呂松表示12世紀中的故事來源是 Hryggjarstykki ,Hryggjarstykki 現已亡佚
最古老的手稿是克林格拉手稿 (Kringla),現在保存在冰島首都雷克維亞克的冰島國家與大學圖書館,編號為「Lbs fragm 82」,由羊皮紙製成,年代為西元1260年,只有一頁,上面記載著聖歐拉夫薩迦的部分內容,該手稿的其他部分在西元1728年毀於火災[1]。
《挪威王列傳》中收錄了一系列的薩迦,大致上可分成三類[2]。主題有數個國王爭權奪利的故事、挪威王國建立的故事,和北歐人在歐洲冒險的故事,最遠抵達西居爾一世薩迦 (saga of Sigurd the Crusader) 中記載的巴勒斯坦,北歐艦隊在當地遭到阿拉伯籍穆斯林海盜襲擊[3]。《挪威王列傳》敘事方式活潑,令人身歷其境,以散文方式撰寫,地點不侷限在斯堪地那維亞半島,也包含當時斯堪地那維亞人的活動範圍。《挪威王列傳》的第一部分包含許多北歐神話的內容,《挪威王列傳》是一本合輯,其中虛實混雜,但總體上還是能從中考據歷史。
The first section tells of the mythological prehistory of the Norwegian royal dynasty, the Ynglings traces the interweaving lineages of Freyr of the Vanir and Odin of the Æsir, described here as the most noble spirits of human kind recurring in cyclic patterns encompassing the nations of Europe and beyond (including Ethiopia) indicating a complex philosophical array of metempsychosis (i.e. reincarnation) and death-defiance (i.e. the story of Örvar Odd). The traces come from the east, with Asgard at it's source, the mother of cities for the legendary Asians which Snorri Sturlasson, knows as the Æsir. But something dramatically has emerged, distinguishing the coming from the succession of things chronological taking things bit by bit as before the war between the Vanir and Æsir was instigated. That Snorri identifies with Troja that fell. While afterwards Snorri locates Asgard along Tanakvisl, (Dniepr), a possible precursor to Kœnugard (Kiev). The subsequent sagas are (with few exceptions) devoted to individual rulers, starting with Halfdan the Black.
A version of Óláfs saga helga, about the saint Olaf II of Norway, is the main and central part of the collection: Olaf's 15-year-long reign takes up about one third of the entire work.
Thereafter, the saga of Harald Hardrada narrates Harald's expedition to the East, his brilliant exploits in Constantinople, Syria, and Sicily, his skaldic accomplishments, and his battles in England against Harold Godwinson, the son of Godwin, Earl of Wessex, where he fell at the Battle of Stamford Bridge in 1066, only a few days before Harold fell at the Battle of Hastings. After presenting a series of other kinds, the saga ends with Magnus V of Norway.
Heimskringla contains the following sagas (see also List of Norwegian monarchs):
- Ynglinga saga
- Saga of Halfdanr svarti ("the Black")
- Saga of Haraldr hárfagi ("finehair") (died ca. 931)
- Saga of Hákon góði ("the Good") (died 961)
- Saga of King Haraldr gráfeldr ("Greycloak") (died 969)
- Saga of King Óláfr Tryggvason (died 1000)
- Saga of King Óláfr Haraldsson (died 1030), excerpt from conversion of Dale-Gudbrand
- Saga of Magnús góði ("the Good") (died 1047)
- Saga of Haraldr harðráði ("Hardruler") (died 1066)
- Saga of Óláfr Haraldsson kyrri ("the Gentle") (died 1093)
- Saga of Magnús berfœttr ("Barefoot") (died 1103)
- Saga of Sigurðr Jórsalafari ("Jerusalem-traveller") (died 1130) and his brothers
- Saga of Magnús blindi ("the Blind") (dethroned 1135) and of Haraldr Gilli (died 1136)
- Saga of Sigurðr (died 1155), Eysteinn (died 1157) and Ingi (died 1161), the sons of Haraldr
- Saga of Hákon herðibreiðs ("the Broadshouldered") (died 1162)
- Saga of Magnús Erlingsson (died 1184)
Snorri explicitly mentions a few prose sources, now mostly lost in the form that he knew them: Hryggjarstykki ('spine pieces') by Eiríkr Oddsson (covering events 1130-61), Skjǫldunga saga, an unidentified saga about Knútr inn gamli, and a text called Jarlasǫgurnar ('sagas of the jarls', which seems to correspond to the saga now known as Orkneyinga saga).[4]
Snorri may have had access to a wide range of the early Scandinavian historical texts known today as the 'synoptic histories', but made most use of:[5]
- Ágrip af Nóregs konunga sǫgum (copying its account of Harald Fairhair's wife Snæfríðr almost unchanged).
- Morkinskinna (the main source for the years 1030–1177, which he copied almost verbatim except for removing many of the anecdotal þættir).
- Possibly Fagrskinna, itself based on Morkinskinna, but the much shorter.
- His own Separate saga of St Óláfr, which he incorporated bodily into Heimskringla. This text was apparently based primarily on a saga of Olaf from about 1220 by Styrmir Kárason, now mostly lost.
- Oddr Snorrason's Life of Óláfr Tryggvason, and possibly a Latin life of the same figure by Gunnlaugr Leifsson.
Snorri also made extensive use of skaldic verse which he believed to have been composed at the time of the events portrayed and transmitted orally from that time onwards, and clearly made use of other oral accounts, though it is uncertain to what extent.[6][7][8]
Historical reliability[编辑]
Up until the mid-19th century, historians put great trust in the factual truth of Snorri's narrative, as well as other old Norse sagas. In the early 20th century, this trust was largely abandoned with the advent of saga criticism, pioneered by Lauritz and Curt Weibull. These historians pointed out that Snorri's work had been written several centuries after most of the events it describes. In Norway, the historian Edvard Bull famously proclaimed that "we have to give up all illusions that Snorri's mighty epic bears any deeper resemblance to what actually happened" in the time it describes.[9] A school of historians has come to believe that the motives Snorri and the other saga writers give to their characters owe more to conditions in the 13th century than in earlier times.
Heimskringla has, however, continued to be used as a historical source, though with more caution. It is not common to believe in the detailed accuracy of the historical narrative and historians tend to see little to no historical truth behind the first few sagas, however, they are still seen by many as a valuable source of knowledge about the society and politics of medieval Norway.[10] The factual content of the work tends to be deemed more credible where it discusses more recent times, as the distance in time between the events described and the composition of the saga was shorter, allowing traditions to be retained in a largely accurate form, and because in the twelfth century the first contemporary written sources begin to emerge in Norway.
Whereas prior to Heimskringla there seems to have been a diversity of efforts to write histories of kings, Snorri's Heimskringla seems thereafter to have been the basis for Icelandic writing about Scandinavian kings, and was expanded by scribes rather than entirely revised. Flateyjarbók, from the end of the fourteenth century, is the most extreme example of expansion, interweaving Snorri's text with many þættir and other whole sagas, prominently Orkneyinga saga, Færeyinga saga, and Fóstbrœðra saga.[11]
The text is also referenced in Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne; the work is the one Professor Liedenbrock finds Arne Saknussem's note in.
Editions and translations[编辑]
History of translations[编辑]
By the mid-16th century, the Old Norse language was unintelligible to Norwegian, Swedish or Danish readers. At that time several translations of extracts were made in Norway into the Danish language, which was the literary language of Norway at the time.[來源請求] The first complete translation was made around 1600 by Peder Claussøn Friis, and printed in 1633. This was based on a manuscript known as Jofraskinna.[來源請求]
Subsequently, the Stockholm manuscript was translated into Swedish and Latin by Johan Peringskiöld (by order of Charles XI) and published in 1697 at Stockholm under the title Heimskringla, which is the first known use of the name. This edition also included the first printing of the text in Old Norse. A new Danish translation with the text in Old Norse and a Latin translation came out in 1777–83 (by order of Frederick VI as crown prince). An English translation by Samuel Laing was finally published in 1844, with a second edition in 1889. Starting in the 1960s English-language revisions of Laing appeared, as well as fresh English translations.[12]
In the 19th century, as Norway was achieving independence after centuries of union with Denmark and Sweden, the stories of the independent Norwegian medieval kingdom won great popularity in Norway. Heimskringla, although written by an Icelander, became an important national symbol for Norway during the period of romantic nationalism.[13] In 1900, the Norwegian parliament, the Storting, subsidized the publication of new translations of Heimskringla into both Norwegian written forms, landsmål and riksmål, "in order that the work may achieve wide distribution at a low price".[14]
- Heimskringla eða Sögur Noregs konunga Snorra Sturlusonar, ed. by N. Linder and H. A. Haggson (Uppsala: Schultz, 1869-72), HTML, Google Books vols 1-2, Google Books vol. 3
- Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla, ed. by Bjarni Aðalbjarnarson, Íslenzk fornrit, 26–28, 3 vols (Reykjavík: Hið Íslenzka Fornritafélag, 1941–51).
The most recent English translation of Heimskringla is by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes and is available open-access.
- Snorri Sturluson, The Heimskringla: Or, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, trans. by Samuel Laing (London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1844), HTML (repr. Everyman's Library, 717, 722, 847).
- The Saga Library: Done into English out of the Icelandic, trans. by William Morris and Eiríkr Magnússon, 6 vols (London: Quaritch, 1891-1905), vols 3-6.
- Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla: Sagas of the Norse Kings, trans. by Samuel Laing, part 1 rev. by Jaqueline Simpson, part 2 rev. by Peter Foote, Everyman's Library, 717, 722, 847 (London: Dent; New York: Dutton, 1961).
- Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla: History of the Kings of Norway, trans. by Lee M. Hollander (Austin: Published for the American-Scandinavian Foundation by the University of Texas Press, 1964).
- Snorri Sturluson, Histoire des rois de Norvège, première partie: des origines mythiques de la dynastie à la bataille de Svold, trans. by François-Xavier Dillmann (Paris: Gallimard, 2000).
- Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla, trans. by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes, 3 vols (London: Viking Society for Northern Research, 2011-15) (second edition 2016-), vol 1 (1st edn); vol 1 (2nd edn); vol 2; vol. 3.
- 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。. A reprint of the 1932 Cambridge edition by W. Heffer.
- 脚本错误:没有“citation/CS1”这个模块。
- REDIRECT Template:Delete
脚本错误:没有“Redirect_Template_List”这个模块。 This article "挪威王列傳" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:挪威王列傳. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.
- ↑ https://handrit.is/en/manuscript/view/is/LbsFragm-0082.
- ↑ Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla, trans. by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes, 3 vols (London: Viking Society for Northern Research, 2011-15) (second edition 2016-), vol 1 (2nd edn) (p. vii).
- ↑ [https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Heimskringla/Saga_of_Sigurd_the_Crusader_and_His_Brothers_Eystein_and_Olaf#Of_King_Sigurd's_Journey. Saga of Sigurd the Crusader and His Brothers Eystein and Olaf ]
- ↑ Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla, trans. by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes, 3 vols (London: Viking Society for Northern Research, 2011-15) (second edition 2016-), vol 1 (2nd edn) (p. xi).
- ↑ Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla, trans. by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes, 3 vols (London: Viking Society for Northern Research, 2011-15) (second edition 2016-), vol 1 (2nd edn) (pp. xii-xiii).
- ↑ Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla, trans. by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes, 3 vols (London: Viking Society for Northern Research, 2011-15) (second edition 2016-), vol 1 (2nd edn) (pp. ix-xi).
- ↑ Thunberg, Carl L. Särkland och dess källmaterial [Serkland and its Source Material]. (Göteborgs universitet. CLTS, 2011). pp 67-68. 页面Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css没有内容。脚本错误:没有“Catalog lookup link”这个模块。脚本错误:没有“check isxn”这个模块。.
- ↑ Thunberg, Carl L. Att tolka Svitjod [To interpret Svitjod]. (Göteborgs universitet. CLTS, 2012). pp 7-53. 页面Module:Citation/CS1/styles.css没有内容。脚本错误:没有“Catalog lookup link”这个模块。脚本错误:没有“check isxn”这个模块。.
- ↑ Edvard Bull, Det norske folks liv og historie gjennom tidene bd. 2 (Oslo, 1931)
- ↑ e.g. Sverre Bagge, Society and Politics in Snorri Sturlusons Heimskringla (Berkeley, 1991).
- ↑ Snorri Sturluson, Heimskringla, trans. by Alison Finlay and Anthony Faulkes, 3 vols (London: Viking Society for Northern Research, 2011-15) (second edition 2016-), vol 1 (2nd edn) (p. xiii).
- ↑ Snorri Sturluson, trans. Samuel Laing, ed. Rasmus Björn Anderson, The Heimskringla: Or, The Sagas of the Norse Kings from the Icelandic of Snorre Sturlason (NY: Scribner & Wellford, 1889). Snorri Sturluson, Peter Foote revised edition of Laing 1844, Heimskringla: Sagas of the Norse Kings (London: Dent, 1961). Snorri Sturluson, Jacqueline Simpson revised edition of Laing 1844, Heimskringla: The Olaf Sagas, 2 vols. (London: Dent, 1964). Snorri Sturluson, trans. Lee Hollander, Heimskringla: History of the Kings of Norway (Austin TX: American-Scandinavian Foundation and University of TX Press, 1964). Snorri Sturluson, trans. Magnus Magnusson and Hermann Palsson, King Harald's Saga: Harald Hardradi of Norway (NY: Penguin, 1966).
- ↑ 脚本错误:没有“Citation/CS1”这个模块。
- ↑ "forat verket ved en lav pris kan faa almindelig udbredelse". Snorre Sturlason, Kongesagaer (Kristiania, 1900).
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