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This article "十一面觀音陀羅尼" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:十一面觀音陀羅尼. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one. Template:藏传佛教 十一面觀音陀羅尼Template:Lang-sa,简称Template:IAST),又稱十一面觀音神咒十一面觀音真言,是十一面觀音菩薩陀羅尼,廣傳於藏傳佛教的咒語,類似於漢傳佛教大悲咒,故民間俗稱「藏傳大悲咒」或者「藏密大悲咒」等。



南無羅怛那怛羅夜耶,南無阿利耶者那,娑伽羅,毘盧遮那,由訶羅者耶,怛他伽多耶,阿羅訶帝,三藐三菩提毘耶,南無阿利耶縛嚕揭帝濕縛羅耶,菩提薩埵縛耶,摩訶薩埵縛耶,摩訶迦嚕尼迦耶,怛地夜他。[註 1]唵。陀羅陀羅,致理致理,都嚕都嚕,壹致婆致,遮離遮離,缽羅遮離,缽羅遮離,舊書咩,舊書摩,婆離,伊利,彌利,脂致,者訶羅,摩波那夜(菩提薩埵,摩訶迦嚕尼迦[註 2])、娑婆訶。[2]


नमो रत्न त्रयाय,नम आर्य ज्ञान सागर व्ऐरोचन व्यूह रजाय तथागतायार्हते सम्यक्सम्बुद्धाय​।नमः सर्व तथागतेभ्यः अर्हतेभ्यः सम्यक्सम्बुद्धेभ्यः।नम आर्यावलोकितेश्वराय बोधिसत्त्वाय​।महा सत्त्वाय महा कारुणिकाय,तद्यथा,ॐ धर धर धीरे धीरे ध्रु ध्रु ईट्टे वति।चले चले प्रचले प्रचले कुसुमे कुसुम वरे।इली मिरी चिरि चित्ति जालमपनय​।परम शुद्धसत्त्व महा कारुणिक स्वाहा।




南摩 惹納 達拉雅雅 南摩 阿里雅 佳納 薩尬拉 貝嚕佳納 尤哈 拉佳雅 達他尬達雅 阿啦哈爹 三秒桑布達雅 南摩 薩嚕哇 達他尬鐵貝 阿啦哈達貝 三秒桑布鐵貝 南摩 阿里雅阿哇嚕給爹 斯哇啦雅 布地薩埵哇雅 瑪哈 薩埵哇雅 瑪哈 尬嚕尼尬雅 達地雅他 嗡 達啦 達啦 提力 提力 杜露 杜露 易笛 哇笛 佳列 佳列 不啦佳列 不啦佳列 固蘇美 固蘇瑪 哇壘 易利 密利 積地 乍哈啦 瑪巴納雅 梭哈


敬禮佛法僧三寶.敬禮神聖、智慧如海、莊嚴如王者的毘盧遮那佛,敬禮一切諸佛。敬禮神聖的觀自在菩薩摩訶薩,具有大慈大悲心的大菩薩。即說咒曰:! 護持、護持!照顧、照顧!穩固,穩固!轉動、轉動!遍地轉動、遍地轉動!以盛開之花祝福,以武器或戲劇來演示智慧,以去除傲慢、欺罔等習氣!吉祥成就!



  • 《十一面神咒心經》三藏法師玄奘奉 詔譯 (大正藏T20n1071)
  • 《十一面觀自在菩薩心密言念誦儀軌經》三藏沙門不空奉 詔譯 (大正藏T20n1069)
  • 《佛說十一面觀世音神呪經》周宇文氏天竺三藏耶舍崛多譯 (大正藏T20n1070)
  • 《佛說陀羅尼集經》大唐天竺三藏阿地瞿多譯 (大正藏T18n0901)


  • 《認識咒語》,林光明,法鼓文化 ISBN 9789575981419
  • 《十一面神咒心經》玄奘三藏

脚本错误:没有“Side box”这个模块。

  • 《十一面觀世音神咒經》北周耶舍崛多 闍那崛多


  1. REDIRECT Template:Delete

脚本错误:没有“Redirect_Template_List”这个模块。 This article "十一面觀音陀羅尼" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:十一面觀音陀羅尼. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.

  1. 或誦漢言:「敬禮三寶。敬禮聖智海莊嚴王毘盧遮那如來。敬禮一切諸佛、無上正等正覺。敬禮聖觀自在菩薩摩訶薩,具大悲心者。即說咒曰。」
  2. 按:《西藏本》不加

This article "十一面觀音陀羅尼" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:十一面觀音陀羅尼. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.


  1. REDIRECT Template:Delete

脚本错误:没有“Redirect_Template_List”这个模块。 This article "十一面觀音陀羅尼" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:十一面觀音陀羅尼. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.

  1. 玄奘本《十一面神咒心经》:“我有神呪心名十一面。具大威力。十一俱胝諸佛所說。我今說之。欲利益安樂一切有情。除一切病故滅一切惡故。為止一切不吉祥故。為却一切惡夢想故。為遮一切非時死故。欲令諸惡心者得調淨故。有憂苦者得安樂故。有怨對者得和解故。魔鬼障礙皆消滅故。心所願求皆稱遂故。”
  2. 蔣臻德,《周唐合本十一面觀音陀羅尼》

This article "十一面觀音陀羅尼" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:十一面觀音陀羅尼. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.


This article "十一面觀音陀羅尼" is from Wikipedia. The list of its authors can be seen in its historical and/or the page Edithistory:十一面觀音陀羅尼. Articles copied from Draft Namespace on Wikipedia could be seen on the Draft Namespace of Wikipedia and not main one.